Charlie Finch suggests Judy Rifka for another Whitney Show

"The Unfinished Woman"

New York City, August 1, 2004


Charlie Finch wrote a new piece titled Wishlist for the Dog Days for Artnet suggesting Judy Rifka should get another showing at the Whitney:


"The Unfinished Woman"
In light of the moronic tits and ass now infecting Reality Show America, it's time to return to the feminist pioneers of post-war USA and select some outstanding works of liberation, femme style, from the forgotten past. Artists could include Joan Brown, Hannah Wilkie, Rebecca Howland, Moira Dryer, Ree Morton, Ellen Berkenblit, Judy Rifka, Judy Pfaff, Cady Noland and so many others.


Read the full article here.


Aug 1, 2004