Javier Martin's solo exhibition "APPROPRIATION OF FRAGMENTS"

@ Ascaso Gallery Miami

Miami, June 22, 2023


In appropriation of fragments, Martin uses the space to create a dialogue between the individual fragments and their collective composition that forms the whole, transforming the gallery into a theater filled with fragments, rep- resenting the information overload of our time. A society created of fragments of information driven by advertising, technology and social media, questioning the veracity of what we recognize, through the use of appropriation, cutting, alteration and reflection, accentuating their emptiness; including the viewer in the scene and transforming them into a part of the fragments that invite self-reflection.

This exhibition is composed of three different body of works, where we can find a journey that shows the interdis- ciplinarity of the artist. From the installation Alma, part of the permanent collection of the Seoul Museum, which consists of a cube covered with mirrors where the viewer is reflected through the appropriated images stamped on them and illuminated by neon, a material appropriated by Martin who considered it a form of public writing, unassociated with art, and traditionally associated with popular culture.


The show is on view until July 10, 2023.


Please click here to learn more.

Jul 5, 2023