Now Open: Painting by Jorge Galindo & Pedro Almodóvar

at Museo de Santa Cruz de Toledo

Toledo, May 15, 2021


Painting by Jorge Galindo & Pedro Almodóvar opened on May 15 at the Museum of Santa Cruz de Toledo and is on view until September 5. These nearly thirty large-format works were created during several joint work sessions and are made up of enlarged still life photographs of flowers taken by Almodóvar that were painted over with oil paints in Galindo's trademark style.⁠


In his catalogue for the show, Rafael Doctor Roncero wrote:


"In the same way that there is no one in contemporary cinema who has been able to maintain a constant line of connection with the artistic creation of his time as Pedro Almodóvar has done throughout his career, neither is there anyone as daring in current pictorial creation as Jorge Galindo. ... Two absolutely radical people in their work making images, moving in one, fixed in the other, which merge in an unprecedented exercise with a magnificent, pure, free result."


Mai 15, 2021